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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

So who DOESN'T have a bust of Vladimir Lenin on their bookshelf? Updated

Kkaus Schwab does.. You know the Founder of the World Economic Forum and author of this  book.

He’s working with the UN to create a new economic system and a bio nanotech surveillance security state. You know THE JAB... Good times right?

Oh and hes also the pupoet master

of most Governments around the Globe, hence why they were so very well coordinated during the CONvid scam..Biden, Turdboy in Canada and many many others kiss his ring. That bust alone tells you the type of character we are dealing with and his minions. 

Here he is bragging about how he owns the Governments which tells us THEY HAVE BEEN RIGGING ELECTIONS for a very long time.


No, I’m not going to be taking any policy direction from Klaus Schwab or his ilk. The Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory. It’s a set of proposals being advocated by some very influential people, including PM Trudeau.” ~ , Premier of Alberta

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