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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Investors give the president some bad news - Political Watch - MarketWatch

Investors give the president some bad news - Political Watch - MarketWatch

Nearly two-thirds (64.2%) of the 1,005 investors who responded to the survey plan to vote for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, versus only 27% who expect to cast their votes for the president; 8.6% of those surveyed said they were still undecided.
That’s actually a slight improvement for President Obama since our first poll six months ago, when Romney topped the president by 76%-24%, beating the incumbent by more than three to one.
And by 57% to 43%, the respondents to our current poll said they thought Gov. Romney would be elected. They also overwhelmingly expect Republicans to retain control of the House of Representatives and, by 56% to 44%, look for Democrats to keep the US Senate.

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