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Thursday, May 14, 2015

NBC Retracts Story That Obama Lied About bin Laden

Seymour Hersh’s London Review of Books story alleging that the United States and Pakistani authorities cooperated to more or less stage Osama Bin Laden’s May 2011 death in Abbottabad, Pakistan, has been widely criticized as unreliable. But shortly after the Hersh story’s publication, NBC News did seem to have confirmed one of its surprising details, namely that a “walk-in asset” from Pakistani intelligence had approached the CIA in 2010 and given it Bin Laden’s location. Hersh claims that this “walk-in” was a more important source of information on Bin Laden’s whereabouts than the courier who, in most other reports on the al-Qaida’s leader's death, was identified and followed by American intelligence until he unknowingly led them to Abbottabad. Here’s what NBC wrote earlier this week:

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