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Monday, July 18, 2016

Maine Gov. LePage threatens to halt food stamp program amid sugar crackdown

“The Obama administration goes to great lengths to police the menus of K-12 cafeterias but looks the other way as billions of taxpayer dollars finance a steady diet of Mars bars and Mountain Dew,” LePage said. “I can think of only one reason why the federal government would refuse to eliminate junk food from the EBT menu: special interests.”

 I love this guy. He asked for permission from the .gov to stop allowing the sales of soda and candy bars on EBT cards, pointing out legitimate concerns and now that they've rejected his idea, he's going to do it anyhow.

 I'm also very curious how they justify allowing SNAP recipients to buy junk food with their cards. Somehow our country has changed from the time when being on food stamps and welfare was a sign of humiliation to a time when it is a point of pride to be able to game the system and get as much free stuff as you can. IMO, there is no natural right to being fed, clothed and sheltered by the government. We should do away with every one of these programs. Failing to do that, if the government insists on feeding social leeches, they need to give them sacks of plain, basic groceries. Flour, beans and vegetables. I'm feeling generous, so the .gov could even throw in a recipe pamphlet with the groceries. Make the food as depressing as possible and you'll have people actually going back to work to try to be able to feed themselves a more varied diet.

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