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Thursday, August 04, 2016

Can Khizr Khan be Trusted

Mr. Khan was contacted by the Clinton Campaign after his name was given to them by the White House 4 days before the convention this after 5 other families turned down the offer to speak, all of these families had to sign Non Disclosure Agreements, and each were paid $5,000. Mr. Kahn who is an immigration attorney with his own firm which is deeply in-debt some $1,700,000, he also has YUGE trouble with the IRS going back 6 years now, he appears he owes in back taxes around $850,000 plus interest and penalties. But the story is not done yet, Mr Khan has been paid by CNN and NBC News over $100,000 to tell his fake story to them, plus he has been given a bonus of $175,000 by the DNC AKA the Clinton Campaign, but it still not done yet, the IRS as of yesterday has placed his file on hold and will no longer go after Mr. Khan and his wife for the back taxes due.

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