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Thursday, August 04, 2016

Trump Drops Bombshell About Voter Fraud… Then Videos Prove He’s Right

There have been a number of cases recently in which federal judges have struck down voter ID laws in a number of states, ruling that it is an unconstitutional burden to require citizens to prove their identity before exercising their right to cast a vote in an election, despite concerns about voter fraud.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has taken notice of these recent rulings, and when combined with the clear evidence that the Democratic National Committee rigged the Democratic primary process in favor of presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and against socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, he has expressed concern that the general election could be rigged against him, using instances of voter fraud to seal the deal.
Trump touched on the topic during a Tuesday appearance on Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor,” where he suggested that, in localities without voter ID laws, there could literally be people voting multiple times without anyone being the wiser, according to Real Clear Politics.

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