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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Al-Qaeda rails against Breitbart, joins liberals in their dismay. The left and Al-Qaeda are now ideologically similar enough to disavow the same groups.

They also cited the Anti-Defamation League, having apparently missed the news that the ADL has retracted its accusations of anti-Semitism against Bannon and Breitbart News. (One suspects al-Qaeda magazines aren’t terribly meticulous about researching charges of anti-Semitism.)
Also pilloried in the Al Masra piece are former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, because he was mean to Yasser Arafat once. The terrorists aren’t big fans of the other oft-mentioned Secretary of State candidates, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, either.

Amazing how we let these Liberals get away with this for so many years...


  1. Media manipulation produces deluded liberals who will believe anything. I think they call this social engineering. Now they have a friend in Al-Qaeda. Oh the irony!

    1. See that 10 year PW, the FED is in deep if they lose control here. The dollar was around 120 when 911 happened, stay vigilant.
