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Thursday, December 01, 2016

More Hysterical Cries for Gun Confiscation in Wake of Knife Attack at Gun Free Zone

Despite the fact that the Somali refugee who attacked students with a
butcher knife on the campus of Ohio State University did not have a gun, that did not stop Democrats and other gun confiscation advocates from shouting their anti-American message in calling for more "laws" against guns and gun owners.

Even though the story was originally reported as an "active shooter," university police said there was never a shooter on campus. By the way, OSU is a gun free zone.
Still, the usual suspects were at work in the wake of the news of a possible story that could be used to advance their agenda.
Take, for instance, Hillary Clinton's running mate Senator Tim Kaine. Kaine tweeted out almost immediately that this was a "senseless act of gun violence."

 Tim Who? oh you mean the Liberal Nut job who was defeated by a bunch of deplorables....Sorry loser we've all seen your campaign tour stop videos, no one showed up so no one is listening

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