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Thursday, January 26, 2017

In my opinion We don't necessarily need a wall

We build an invisible fence by:

1) rescinding the anchor baby laws. No longer do non-citizens’ kids get auto-citizenship.

2) Ending welfare and all entitlements for non-citizens. That means unless you’re a citizen, you don’t get any taxpayer financed anything. No school for kids you smuggle in, etc. No citizenship, no handouts. End
of story.

3) Prosecuting employers who hire illegals to the fullest extent of the law. With those 3 items, you’ve eliminated most all incentives for coming across the border.

4) Eliminate most all entitlement welfare for most all able bodies adults of sound mind. This will provide a massive pool of unskilled labor for U.S. employers who claim “no U.S. citizens will take our jobs”. When deadbeats don’t get paid to F off, they’ll be ready to work.

None the less I stand By the President and his ideas.

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