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Monday, January 30, 2017

To all these liberals outraged at Trump banning refugees: Where the fuck were you when Obama was dropping bombs on their homelands?

Where was the outrage when Obama and Hillary funded, trained and armed radical Islamists to oust leaders of sovereign countries?
Where was the outrage when ISIS committed genocide and barbaric atrocities and millions of people were displaced, while the world sat idly by?
Where was the outrage when hundreds of innocent people were brutally murdered by ISIS terrorists in NATO countries, while their leaders refused to retaliate or even address this threat?

Is Trump’s immigration process racist? It WASN’T WHEN OBAMA DID IT! People are calling the vetting process racist, but this is the same process that Obama used for Iraqis in 2011. Why did it become racist when Trump started doing it?

In 2015, 60% of Americans opposed Obama’s plan to take in 10,000 refugees. In 2017, Trump decides not to take in refugees and everyone loses their minds.

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