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Friday, January 27, 2017

Trump Warns Flu Shots Are The Greatest ‘Scam’ In Medical History

Trump is right – flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in history. They are full of “bad stuff” including formaldehyde and mercury – two powerful neurotoxins – and the vaccine industry even admits that laboratory tests prove the popular jab does not work.

Why is a toxic, medical hoax, backed by nothing but voodoo faith-based dogma and clever marketing, pushed on the whole population every year?
Vaccines are the one medicine where no scientific evidence of safety or efficacy is required by anyone: not the FDA, not the CDC and not the media. Congress even passed a law protecting the vaccine industry with absolute legal immunity, even when they manufacture and sell defective products that injure and kill people.

And vaccine manufacturers have been lying to us for years about toxic levels of mercury in flu shots.
Everybody knows mercury is toxic to inject into the human body. That’s not debated except by irrational anti-science denialists.

Of course try explain this to your Lefty loony friends and they fog over.

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