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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Want to Bring Back Jobs? It’s Impossible Unless We Fix these Four Things

1. Healthcare, and even more importantly the health of the American people.

2. Taxes. Lower the business/corporate tax rates, simplify tax codes, eliminate the loopholes, skims and scams exploited by the tax avoidance industry.

3. Regulation. Weigh the cost of every regulation against the public good it generates. Include business owners, employees and citizens in the decision process–not just protected, privileged “experts” with no skin in the game, i.e. poobahs whose own fat salaries and benefits are never exposed to the costs or risks of the regulations they impose with such abandon.

4. Education. Instead of focusing on political correctness and “software coding” while shoehorning everyone into useless, rip-off four-year college degrees, focus on providing students with real-world knowledge bases, entrepreneurial moxie and the eight essential soft skills needed to prosper in a fast-changing economy. I explain how to do this in my books Get a Job, Build a Real Career and Defy a Bewildering Economy andThe Nearly Free University and the Emerging Economy
Let’s do a chart-dump on our sick and unaffordable system of healthcare. Want a quick summary? Prevention isn’t profitable, managing chronic illnesses is immensely profitable.
Our healthcare system is ill because our lifestyle makes us ill. There is no other output that is possible with these inputs other than sickness and chronic illness.

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