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Wednesday, September 06, 2017

ISIS Urges Supporters To Poison Food At US Grocery Stores

The terrorist organization has prepared for this and used prisoners for experiments with different chemicals and toxins, with very painful deaths as a result, The Times and Newsweek wrote in May:

The Islamic State group used prisoners as “human guinea pigs,” carrying out chemical weapons experiments in order to plan for attacks against the West, documents found in Mosul have revealed. The papers detailing the tests, which led to the agonizing deaths of prisoners, were discovered at Mosul University in January when it was recaptured by Iraqi special forces. The documents verified by United States and British forces were detailed by The Times in a report published Saturday.

Prisoners had their food and water contaminated by the sprinkling of chemicals found in easily accessible pesticides. The U.S. and Britain now fear that the same methods could be used on a larger scale to contaminate food supplies in the West.

Gee how very MONSANTO of them...No Irony here folks nope none at all. I like how the photos of ISIS members are always wearing Ski masks in the middle of a desert, cold this time of the year? I ask cause of the pale skin color LMAO....nothing fake about this folks nothing at all ... sac/

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