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Tuesday, September 05, 2017

July US factory orders -3.3% vs -3.3% expected

July factory orders and revisions to durable goods orders
  • Prior was +3.0%
  • Factory orders ex transport +0.5% vs -0.2% prior
Durable goods orders revisions:
  • Durable goods orders -6.8% vs -6.8% initially reported
  • Prior was +6.4%
  • Ex transportation +0.6% vs +0.5% initially
  • Prior ex transport +0.1%
  • Capital goods orders nondefense ex air +1.0% vs +0.4% initially
  • Prior capital goods orders 0.0%
  • Capital goods shipments nondefense ex air +1.2% vs +1.0% initially
  • Prior shipments +0.6%
The revision to capital goods orders nondefense ex air along with strong factory orders ex-transport is a good sign for Q3 and Q4.

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