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Thursday, October 26, 2017

OBAMA NOW the target of two congressional investigations

One of the investigations, run by the House intelligence and oversight committees, will dig into the circumstances surrounding a 2010 Obama administration deal that allowed a Kremlin-backed company to gain control of a huge chunk of America’s uranium supply.

The New York Times reported in 2015 that at least one individual involved in the transaction donated some $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation. Those donations weren’t publicly disclosed by the Clintons despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had with the Obama White House to identify all donors to the foundation.

 House intelligence committee to investigate Obama’s uranium deal with Russian company
The House intelligence and oversight committees will investigate the circumstances surrounding a 2010 Obama administration deal that allowed a Kremlin-backed company to gain control of a huge chunk of America’s uranium supply.
Rep. Devin Nunes, California Republican and chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, announced the probe Tuesday and said lawmakers hope to get to the bottom of whether U.S. authorities were investigating Russia’s atomic energy giant Rosatom at the time the U.S. government signed off on the deal.

The IRS admitted in court Wednesday that it wrongly targeted tea party UNDER THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION!
The IRS admitted in court Wednesday that it wrongly targeted tea party and other conservative groups for intrusive scrutiny, placing specific blame on former senior executive Lois G. Lerner, and entered into a settlement designed to make sure that kind of political targeting never takes place again.

The filing, made in federal court in Washington, D.C., amounts to a stunning apology from the Trump administration for actions taken under President Barack Obama, when hundreds of tea party and conservative groups were singled out for intrusive screening, forced to wait years for their applications to be approved, and subjected to outrageous questions.

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