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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Truth Breaking In The Uranium One Scandal – In The Trump Dossier Scandal – Elite Pedophile Scandal – Implications Could Bring A False Flag – Possibly It Already Has.

I cannot believe we are finally beginning to see daylight in the breaking of Uranium One and the Trump Dossier scandal.  It seems the floodgates have opened, and the water of purification is rushing in.  The implication of all of this occurring at one time reminds me of what President Trump said about the “storm.”  This storm could wash the entire Dem party completely off the map.  I dare say at this time I am feeling a desperation among those, who support Clinton and even the Obama Administration.  

How far will this desperation go?

Could it go all the way to the Podesta brothers, elite pedophiles, Luciferians, and those who have been in power for so long?  What would they be willing to do to stop this flow of information?  Could a false flag be possible, or possibly it has already occurred?

 A Department of Justice spokesman said the Agency is reviewing a letter from Senate Judiciary Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, requesting that the Department lift the gag order on a former FBI informant who helped in a Russian bribery case involving uranium.  He reportedly has information about how Russians allegedly helped facilitate the Obama administration’s 2010 approval of the sale of Uranium One to Rosatom, which gave Russia control of 20% of US uranium production. 

Now Sessions must act, and he must act now.  Why would he hesitate?  The American people don’t want to hear anymore about “recusal.”  Do what you were hired to do, Sessions!  President  Trump knew all of this was coming, and the American people should be so proud of their President.  I know I am.    
Trump said: ‘Disgrace’ that media won’t cover ‘uranium scandal.’  President says the ‘real Russia story’ is not allegations of collusion during the 2016 presidential election, but rather how Russia acquired control of 20 percent of U.S. uranium mining capacity. And, boy, is he right.   I have to give it to Charles Grassley, who is truly one of the good guys, who has not quit in his pursuit to get to the truth.

Grassley wrote in letters last week to federal agencies that he’s not “convinced” by previous “assurances” that there were no unresolved national security concerns, and revealed Thursday that he wants to hear from the FBI informant in the Russia corruption probe.

“Witnesses who want to talk to Congress should not be gagged and threatened with prosecution for talking. If that has happened, senior DOJ leadership needs to fix it and release the witness from the gag order,” Grassley said in a statement.

Victoria Toensing, a lawyer for the former FBI informant, told Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” that her client has “specific information about contributions and bribes to various entities and people in the United States.”
The American people should be riding high right now, and we should be thanking God a boil is being lanced on the face of America.

This is way too good to be true.  Now lets look at what is going on with the Trump dossier.
Thanks to a breaking report from the Washington Post it has been revealed what Democrats were involved in Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the DNC in the creation of the fake Trump dossier. 

In April 2016, lawyer Marc Elias, working on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, started paying the opposition research company Fusion GPS to basically dig up dirt on Trump. Former British spy Christopher Steele did this work for Fusion, and authored what became known as the Steele Dossier, which contained salacious (and uncorroborated) political, financial, and sexual allegations about Trump and his top associates.

Even before that Fusion GPS had reportedly already done research into Trump, on behalf of a Republican client. That Republican turncoat is yet to be revealed.
As the Russia scandal has grown President Trump has tried to bring greater light to the question of just who paid for the research behind the dossier. GOP congressional committees have been investigating the matter, and conservative media outlets have helped in reporting the truth which has been so mangled by the Democrats.

Trump supporters have blasted the dossier’s false smears peddled by Trump’s political enemies. Also, we have inquired about the FBI’s approach to the dossier.  Chuck Grassley questioned James Comey in a letter about whether the FBI at some point last year paid Steele for the dossier.
Now it is going to be up to Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice to lift the gag order on the informant, who has the information needed to break this wide open.

You can read more about the Trump dossier here:

Can you take any more good news?  I think you can when it comes to the Podesta Group.  Here it is: 

Tony Podesta, the brother of former chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, John Podesta, and his Democratic-leaning lobbying firm the Podesta Group, are now part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of possible collusion between the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign and Russia.

“Whether seeking to engage State Department officials or the foreign relations committees of the US Congress, enter new markets in Latin America, or gauge political risk in Africa, PG Global knows where to go, who to talk to and what makes them listen,” the Podesta Group boasts about the firm. “Our team was recruited from the halls of Congress, the State Department, the press, the diplomatic corps, international law firms, and think tanks. We know the issues that make or break international engagement.”  END OF QUOTE

 And now we have elite sexual predators being exposed. The fall of Harvey Weinstein is just the beginning. What once was rumor has now been confirmed, Hollywood’s elite are pedophiles and sexual predators. The industry is full of these vile creators and the fall of Hollywood film producer Harvey Weinstein is just the beginning! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth commends every insider who is currently speaking out while encouraging other influential people in similar positions to do the same.

I am very concerned for the actor Corey Feldman, who has tried to warn everyone about Harvey Weinstein.  Not only that, but he has insinuated that his friend died of a drug overdose, due to the pain he suffered from being sexually abused by the very famous Hollywood mogul.

The Weinstein scandal opened the floodgates to what is rapidly becoming a massive array of alleged sexual abuses ranging from sexual harassment to rape, but while all this happens in plain sight another issue seems to have been swept under the red carpet.

Former child stars including Elijah Wood have tried to denounce what they call Hollywood’s systemic paedophilia problem. 

“I’m saying that the people who did this to me are still working, are still out there and are some of the richest and most powerful people in Hollywood,” former teen idol Corey Feldman told ABC in 2014, four years after his best friend and co-star Corey Haim died of a drug overdose.
When Feldman told this to ABC, you could tell he was so afraid, and he had good reason.  QUOTE:
“With me, there were some molestations, and it did come from several hands, so to speak,” Feldman told the Hollywood Reporter last year, in yet another attempt to bring the issue to light.
“But with Corey [Haim], it was direct rape. And his occurred when he was 11.”

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