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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Hillary Is Afraid!! Yesterday on Mother Jones: Prosecuting Me Will Cause Terrible Consequences

How many Freudian Slips can you count?

HRC had to get out in front of the special prosecutor talk, best she could get on was Mother Jones yesterday. A no-name host feeds her three rehearsed questions. It’s a drab, cheap background, she looks old and has let herself go. Also, she seems to have had no coaching for this, and while portraying the threat to her as some general principle (don’t investigate in general?), everything she says is about her. Excerpts at time mark, check wording, listen for yourself:

1:10 “It’s personally offensive that they would do this [prosecute her].”
1:21 We are a nation of laws, NOT MEN…
1:32 We have to remain vigilant that justice remains blind…
2:19 It would be very demoralizing for the people in the Justice department, both Republicans and Democrats, to (prosecute me)
2:40 Second Question starts, “You have had a lot of experience with special counsels… (she GRABS HER NOSE – to check the length?)
Third Question: Are you concerned about a [special prosecutor prosecuting you?] WATCH HER EYES, THEN BODY MOVEMENTS

Hilllary ends with ‘prosecuting me will cause terrible consequences…’

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