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Thursday, November 09, 2017

If you are asking why the surge of Hollywood Pedophiles is now happening it was reported in June that it was coming.

On June 10, there is a 50 state demonstration to draw attention to the elite pedophilia problem. Our Children Matter – an organization created after the Podesta e-mails revealed the use of pedophile code words and terms according to their site — organized the nationwide march.
Navy Seal Craig Sawyer started the nonprofit Veterans for Child Rescue to go after the elite pedophile rings. Sawyer said he went independent since gatekeepers in the media aren’t interested in shining a light on this topic.
“One aspect of this, some of them are actually into Satanic rituals and torturing them to death…little infants and toddlers. It’s really hard to digest but I’m getting high-level information about it from federal law enforcement and the intelligence community.”
When the truth comes out about how rampant child sex trafficking is in this country, particularly among the elites, the public will remember the who had the courage to address this horrendous issue and who chose to turn a blind eye to the rape and torture of infants and kids. As Sawyer pointed out, thankfully we now have a President dedicated to stopping this evil that’s plagued our great nation for too long. “We’ve got a President now who’s not OK with children being raped and tortured to death so thank God,” Sawyer said.

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