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Friday, November 17, 2017

The Curtain Is Being Pulled Back In Washington D.C., And Al Franken Is Just The Beginning

For decades, Americans have known that very sick things happen behind the scenes in Washington D.C., but the mainstream media nearly really talks about any of it.  But now the curtain is starting to be pulled back, and the revelations about Al Franken are just the beginning.  Earlier this week, I wrote an article about how “sexual harassment is rampant in the halls of Congress”, and that was before a female radio anchor named LeeAnn Tweeden revealed that Al Franken had “forcibly kissed” and groped her during a USO tour in 2006.  The following comes from an article in which Tweeden shared her story

I couldn’t believe it. He groped me, without my consent, while I was asleep.
I felt violated all over again. Embarrassed. Belittled. Humiliated.

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