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Thursday, November 16, 2017

There are now 1,458 sealed indictments. Only 50 of 94 districts checked so far. TOTALLY UNPRECEDENTED. Something big is definitely going down…

Link to tweet from StormWatcher –

Link to the google spreadsheet of sealed indictments –

Please spread awareness. If its 50 from 94 districts, its reasonable to assume there are hundreds more sealed indictments. This has never happened before. Only when rolling up large criminal organisations like the Mafia or a drug cartel would this be sealed and timed – like a massive swoop across the country, timed to prevent destruction of evidence and the risk of fleeing.

Libs keep saying its the roundup of Trump and his minions for Russian collusion. That would b impossible, for so many people to be involved with Trump related to Russian collusion. Manafort, Gates and Papadopoulos were thrown up first to throw the MSM off the scent. So clearly very weak evidence of Trump Russia collusion, but they were hung out in the wind, as misdirection – when in fact their arrests have more to do with investigating Fusion GPS, Podesta Group etc.

 I don’t think there is any coincidence with the weird MSM move to attack the Clintons in various articles in previous weeks, and various Dems trying to distance themselves. The Saudi round-up, with so many of these Saudi elites funding the Dems, Clinton Foundation, MSM Lib-Globalist media outfits – is also telling. Could that be cutting off the funding? could it be why the huge advertising spent on the November 5th Antifa was such a damp squib?

Remember too – when someone is fearing being exposed, they attack the hardest. Look at what has happened to so many of Trump’s most fierce, outspoken, hysterical critics. Exposure after exposure. Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal is a huge shareholder in CitiBank – and funded Obama’s education. Then Obama comes into office and stuffs his admin with CitiBank execs. He is the largest shareholder in Twitter, where there is massive censorship of any views that counter the Lib-Globalist narrative. Why did he buy this and shares in other western media companies? to buy influence and ally with Globalists to brainwash YOU. He’s now been seized in the Saudi purge, yet we have barely heard about it except on alt-media.

And we have new reports that appellate judges are being appointed by Trump at record levels. All of these things mean something, together they form a jigsaw puzzle that something big is going down.
There is DEFINITELY something big coming. And Trump didn’t tweet about ‘the storm coming’ for nothing. People assumed it was action against N Korea, which never happened. And probably won’t, now he has got his Far East partners onboard. So i think he referred to something else.
It also explains why he has not had ‘fireside talks’, or regular direct to the public announcements. He has baited the MSM into attacking him for a year to hysterical levels, when he could have showed them up and took away their power by weekly addresses. He chose not to. Not because he is stupid, because he is letting the MSM, Hollywood, and all his political swamp rat enemies hang themselves.

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