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Friday, December 15, 2017

The LEFT has devolved into despicable bullies after attacking the family of Keaton Jones, Koxville bully victim

Kimberly Jones said in a Facebook post Friday she had just picked up her son, Keaton, from school because he was too afraid to go to lunch.
In the video, Keaton said other students call him ugly, make fun of his nose and tell him he has no friends. He said milk was poured on him and ham was put down his clothes.
“Just out of curiosity, why do they bully?” Keaton said. “What’s the point of it? Why do they find joy in taking innocent people and find a way to be mean to them? It’s not OK.

 While social justice warriors like to hold themselves up as the great defenders of everything fair and equal, the truth is that these people are just a bunch of malcontents who can never seem to find joy or happiness in anything. Normally, we would look past this sad behavior – that is, of course, if they weren’t destroying the very fabric of American society.

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