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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Mainstream media spread fake news about the Maga/Native American incident-new evidence has shown up proving the exact opposite of the media's narrativ

First, the full video of the entire event. Worse comes to worse you watch it and determine for yourself who is in the wrong. 1:10:00 is the native man part.
1st. The boys were being harassed by the group of Black Israelite's.

I don't hear the boys calling the Black Israelite's names. But I do hear the four African-Americans calling the group "incest babies," "goddamn dogs," "crackers" and the n-word. In response to the insults the high school boys condemn the use of the slurs.
2nd. The native American group approached the boys. The boys were there waiting doing their own thing.

3rd. Contrary to the news stories that suggest the boys surrounded the native american group that was minding its own business, The native american group admits they approached the boys intentionally, but their purported reasons for approaching the boys differ.
According to Nathan Phillips, he approached the group because he thought they were "taunting the dispersing indigenous crowd."
According to Kaya Taitano, a student at the University of the District of Columbia who participated in the march and shot the videos, he approached the group to allegedly help "defuse the situation" between the high school group and the black Israelite's.
Note, the Indigenous Peoples' March had already ended.
A map of the route. As you can see, the march ends more than 500 ft north of the Lincoln Memorial and in fact, had already ended before the incident occurred.
4th. The boys chant along with the Native American group because they think the native american group was participating.

5th. the Boys slowly realize that the native American group isn't friendly towards them given the in your face drumming and another member of the native American group telling them "white people go back to Europe. This isn't your land."

Initially, only part of a video was publicized which showed an older Native man beating a drum in a crowd of rowdy young men, some of which were sporting MAGA hats. Taken out of context, many people initially made the assumption that the larger younger group was harassing or mocking the smaller group of elders. Particularly one boy who was standing directly in front of the main elder with the drum. It may have appeared out of context that he was blocking the older man or instigating a crowd to form around him. He got doxxed by reddit and twitter, and calls for him to be expelled from school rang out.

Hours later, a longer video surfaced which showed the entire context, including your third note which included the Natives approaching the group of young men and walking directly into them. Most people got out of the way after being confronted by the loud drumming, but the boy in questions stood his ground, and just smiled, and was not aggressive at all. Stories trying to spread the whole story were posted across reddit, but not one got as much attention as the initial one which pointed out the group of "racist" white boys. At this point, r/politics and r/news have been deleting posts dissenting from the original narrative.

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