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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Britain's Fleet Street Ignores Pelosi's Pandering To EU Autocrats

First of all, it is very hard to pass a trade bill in the Congress of the United States, so it’s not a given any way …. But if there were any weakening of the Good Friday accords, there would be no chance whatsoever, a non-starter for a U.S.-U.K. trade agreement.
“The Good Friday accords ended 700 years of conflict.
“This is not a treaty only; it’s an ideal, it’s a value, it’s something that’s a model to the world, something that we all take pride in …. It was a model, and other people have used it as a model, and we don’t want that model to be something that can be bargained away in another agreement.”

Why would anyone pay attention to a doddery old leftie with early-onset dementia and delusions of adequacy? Her cringe-worthy double act with Schumer was one of the lowest points in American political history.

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