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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Man the Life Rafts!

We interrupt your regular Bs posting to bring you this important public service announcement ..
Due to the release of the Mueller report, Flash flood warnings have been issued across the U.S.
It seems that the deluge of liberals tears have caused many rivers to swell and some are expected to overflow their banks and may possibly burst numerous Dams.

Liberals are advised to Run (don't walk) to the nearest safe space where you will receive a free security blanket, a Box of racially sensitive crayons, and a gender neutral coloring book..
Nannies will be provided to wipe away your tears and kiss any boo boos that you may have incurred while getting to your assigned safe space..

Reports are pouring in from across the country of safe spaces that have been filling up at an alarming rate..

We have been hearing reports of a serious shortage of Gender neutral coloring books and racially sensitive crayons.

One representative told a reporter this: "We thought we would have enough crayons but when Trump sent a Tweet, The snowflakes started eating them at an alarming rate"
A volunteer nanny at one of the safe spaces made this passionate plea to the American people: "For the Love of God please send more security blankets?"

In another report we are hearing that due to the severe shortage of emotional support puppies they are now using therapy Rats.

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