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Thursday, April 25, 2019

"Our Very Democracy Is At Stake" - Joe Biden Launches Campaign For President

Watch the video below:

Blatant lies by Biden in that Video calling Trump a racist about Charlottesville.

So the corrupt Commicrat politician from the evil Obama regime steps forward.  This guy defends sexual predators, i.e. pizzagate, Clinton, etc. and is an all around corrupt Deep State D bag.
Let's hope Biden committed crimes during the Barry Obamas era that will expose his treasonous corruption ..The Gloves are off... Joe 's opening statement is a LIE.
Trump's often misquote on the Charlottesville incident was in reference to the Confederate Statue which he said there are "good people on both sides" of the STATUE ISSUE!!

Joe you lying SOS. You can tell when a Democrat is lying...when his lips are moving.

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