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Friday, April 19, 2019

Trump to cut off Section 8 housing funds for Illegal Immigrants!

The Trump administration will soon release new regulatory changes aimed at ensuring that federal housing assistance goes to qualifying citizens and legal residents, not illegal immigrants.
Sources familiar with the proposal told RealClearPolitics that the updated rule is meant to bring the Department of Housing and Urban Development into closer compliance with existing law.
While Section 214 of the Housing and Community Development Act prohibits HUD from making financial assistance available to anyone other than citizens or legal residents, the administration contends that a loophole allows ineligible residents to skirt the law. Sources told RCP that a single legal resident can apply for assistance and then use the benefit to house illegal immigrants.
The rule would require HUD to verify the legal status of applicants with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services through a program called the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements. Officials described it as a sort of E-Verify for entitlements.

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