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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Left-wing Activists Plan to Shut Down America Should Trump Win Reelection


A group of left-wing radicals has posted a guide intended to show like-minded cohorts how to react should President Donald Trump refuse to leave office in the event of a close or contested election. Calling themselves ShutDownDC, the group intends to cause nationwide chaos should Trump win or otherwise refuse to leave office after the election.

Founded as a result of the 2019 youth climate striker’s “call to action,” the group’s website says that they’re planning “to rise up to confront the Trump administration’s attacks on democracy.” Organizers refer to a possible Trump reelection — especially a close one — as a “coup.” Their strategy is to cause as much disruption of life for everyday Americans as possible by engaging in strikes, work stoppages, boycotts, and street actions. In their words, they look to disrupt the “pillars of power.”

From the guide: “In the context of a coup or highly contested election we need to be clear that our actions must directly affect the structures and pillars of power. Our largest asset in this regard utilises the ideas of non-compliance through massive, broad based direct action. Where we can, we need to be in the streets, on the highways, or at the sites of power and power holders. In our jobs and lives we must refuse to allow those taking control the legitimacy of the power they seek through strikes, slowdowns, and boycotts, and public refusal to accept an illegitimate ruling party.”

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