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Monday, June 28, 2021

The Alpha and Omega variant of the Big Lie 

People were found to be not nearly terrorized enough by the constant covid19 memes in the hoaxers media so the “mutant virus ” campaign returned as “variants” with Greek letters in order to make them more academic and serious. “Mutants” were X -men cartoony and so inspired no fear. I think we are suppose to be afraid of each and every Greek letter and not scoff in disbelief. Whoops . No more converts to the church of covid and a few hard core believers now questioning “why vaccinate against 1 when there are so many variants?” . Simultaneously, and despite claims of multiple variants, these criminally insane politicians are targeting children in their GMO trial ( medical experimentation). The NIH don’t tell public but they have registered over “100,000 variants” which contradicts the use of injections for 1 which is why they never disclosed it . These “100K + variants of sars cov2 viruses ” are just computer generated fiction like the precursor mental infection ” covid19″ meme . No ” virus” has been isolated, purified or proven to cause disease .

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