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Thursday, March 06, 2025

The Liberal Left struggle with reality

 What all this boils down to is some  pretty simple stuff.  The left can not fund itself.  
People with purple hair and nose rings do not give big bucks to NGOs.  They just don't do that.  
As a result, the left funds itself by redirecting American tax money to the so called NGOs to fund their agenda.
 Who paid for and continues to pay for the invasion of the illegals ?  You do.  
Who pays for the censorship industrial complex ?  You do.  
Who pays for the leftist lawsuits to stop the MAGA agenda ?  You do.  
Who pays to support the legacy media ?  You do. 
We are paying for all of it and a lot more.  And, now congress is cooking yet another CR to cover through September.  
We are going to keep paying for it. 
 Where are the 12 spending bills we have been promised for years with the mad money removed ?  Nowhere to be seen.  
Will congress pass a new CR with the mad money removed ?  Nope.  It will not pass the Senate.  Every Dem in the Senate will vote against such a CR. 
I don't know what is going to happen to be honest.  
We as a Country are facing a real problem. 
Out of control spending the vast majority objects to that can not be stopped unless the Supreme Court puts a stop to it cause Congress is useless at this point.
Will the Supremes do that ?  I have no idea.
Other bussiness markets are down on uncertiniy markets hate uncertiniy. We must deal with a little pain to get to the other side hang tight no reason not to unless you need the money.

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