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Friday, May 25, 2012

HEARD ON THE STREET: America's Shield Against Chinese Contagion -

HEARD ON THE STREET: America's Shield Against Chinese Contagion -

 U.S. has limited exposure to downturns in Europe and China.

In Europe, if you tally imports and exports for the 17 countries using the euro, and you will find that they roughly balance, with deficits in countries like Spain offset by surpluses in other countries—primarily Germany, reports WSJ.

To the degree exports are heading out of Europe, they are headed to China. China has been a major destination for European exports in general, and German exports in particular. As it has rapidly built up its ghost infrastructure and industrial base, China has been heavily buying equipment from Germany. Last year, Germany exported €48 billion (about $60 billion at today's exchange rates) in machinery and transportation equipment to China, according to the European Union's statistics agency. That accounted for 11% of Germany's exports to countries outside the euro area. This means China's domestic problems could be magnified by the problems in Europe.

The U.S. exported $123 billion in goods to China last year, according to Comtrade, the United Nations trade statistics database, versus Europe's $178 billion, but much of the U.S. exports were more consumer oriented than the capital good exports out of Germany and thus are less likely to be impacted by a capital structure crisis in China.

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