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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

DISGUSTING: The Architect of Obamacare is Now Cashing in By Using Obamacare to Sue Insurers

Tim Carney spots the press release just put out by Mehri & Skalet. It says in part:

After nearly three years at the Department of Health and Human Services—as the first Director of Obamacare insurance implementation, as Senior Advisor to the Secretary, and as a Regional Director—longtime insurance regulator and plaintiff’s attorney Jay Angoff is returning to DC-based Mehri & Skalet, PLLC as a partner, where he will lead the firm’s insurance and healthcare practice.

“Working at HHS has been immensely rewarding, and I’m pleased with the progress that has been made in implementing the Affordable Care Act,” said Mr. Angoff of his departure from HHS. “I look forward to returning to Mehri & Skalet to help make sure the law is enforced. The Affordable Care Act has given health insurance policyholders new rights, and will give them even more in 2014; it is critical that we defend those newfound rights.”
Carney writes:

Is it relevant that the man who helped craft Obamacare’s regulations on insurers will now make lots of money by suing insurers based on those regulations?[...]Think about the incentives at play here: If you are a lawyer working for the government, and you shape the laws in such a way as to make lawsuits easier, you are then making yourself more valuable to a potential future employer.
This is what WaPo had to say about this crony tool:,d.cGE

In April 2010, after a year-long congressional fight, President Obama victoriously passed a sweeping overhaul of America's health-care system. Then, the president needed to find someone to actually implement it. 
That person is Angoff. A class-action litigator who specialized in making big insurers pay out, he made his name as insurance commissioner of Missouri and now heads the office created to implement the big reforms smoothly and keep insurance companies honest.

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