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Monday, April 29, 2013

Weaponized America: Sturm, Ruger Backlog Doubles; Gun Production, Shipments Surge

Whether it is due to the recent governmental attempt to enforce assorted gun controlling measures in the aftermath of the Newtown, CT shooting, or, merely driven by the same catalyst that saw a surge in gun sales four years ago, namely the presidential election, one thing is certain: America is weaponizing itself at an unheard of pace, with both Sturm, Ruger shipments and units produced surpassing 500,000 each in one quarter for the first time in history.

Units Produced:

Shipped and Produced - over 1 million in one quarter for the first time ever:


  1. Let's see Obama try to confiscate all of these!

  2. Indeed PW, good luck with that.
