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Friday, December 20, 2013

BIZARRE New York City Council Bans Public E-Cigarette Vaping Because It Looks Too Much Like Smoking

Power freak freedom-haters know no bounds.
The New York City Council approved legislation Thursday to ban the use of electronic cigarettes from indoor public spaces where smoking is already prohibited, reports CBS New York.
Under the bill, e-cigarettes would be prohibited in the same places as traditional cigarettes and other tobacco products throughout the city. This despite the fact that e-cigarettes contain no tobacco and produce no smoke
The "logic" behind this move as explained by City Council Speaker Christine Quinn is simply mind boggling. She said the ban would make it easier to enforce the city’s Smoke-Free Air Act, which banned smoking in bars, restaurants and other indoor public spaces.
“Because many of the e-cigarettes are designed to look like cigarettes and be used just like them, they can lead to confusion or confrontation,” Quinn said, according to CBS.
The speaker added that the ban will end what she called the re-normalization of smoking in public places, 1010 WINS’ Al Jones reported.

Outgoing Mayor Bloomberg is expect to sign the legislation.
New York the Cesspool of the New World formerly known as America.

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