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Monday, December 16, 2013

Bogus sign language interpreter at Mandela memorial was in group that burned men to death

A relative and three friends of the bogus sign language interpreter at the Nelson Mandela memorial service say he was among a group of people who accosted two men found with a stolen television and burned them to death in 2003.
They told The Associated Press that tires were placed around the men's necks and set ablaze. Unlike two other suspects who went to trial in 2006 for the killings, the four said on Monday that Thamsanqa Jantjie never did because authorities determined he wasn't mentally fit.
The men, including one of Jantjie's cousins, insisted on anonymity because of sensitivity surrounding the bogus signing, which embarrassed South Africa's government.
They say Jantjie was institutionalized and then returned to his neighborhood on the outskirts of Soweto.

 The Mainstream Media touts this Mandela as a man of peace...We certainly have out doubts and the Media as usual are following the Agenda Script accordingly.

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