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Monday, December 16, 2013

CHARGE: NY Fed Obstructed Investigation of Goldman Sachs

 Pam Martens at Wall Street on Parade reports:
Carmen Segarra, a former Bank Examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, has brought public attention to a little known job function at her former employer – that of the Relationship Manager. The New York Fed is assigned a priority role in oversight and regulation of some of the largest Wall Street banks. Should it be functioning as a tough cop or managing “relationships”?
In October, Segarra, a lawyer, filed a lawsuit alleging that Relationship Managers at the New York Fed, who were assigned to manage the relationship with Goldman Sachs, obstructed and interfered with her investigation of the firm and tried to bully her into changing her findings. When Segarra refused to change her findings, she was fired, according to the lawsuit.
Read the rest here. 

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