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Thursday, December 19, 2013

COMEX Gold Futures Settlement Activity - 200k more ounces, 5X more than last year

Each contract is for 100 ounces of gold so 207,600 ounces must still be settled from registered inventory which currently sits at 604,944 ounces.  Settling the remaining ounces may not be as straight forward as it first appears.  No doubt the COMEX and its bullion banks will pull it off.  But, the degree of difficulty is increasing, especially compared to last year.

JP Morgan's House Account probably already owns most of the registered gold in inventory.  Since the beginning of this contract month when there were 590,817 registered ounces in inventory, JPM has stopped or taken delivery of 493,500 ounces.  When taking delivery JPM receives a warrant that is title to the registered ounces.  The issuer or seller transfers ownership of registered gold already in inventory to JPM via the warrant.  In this way ownership of existing registered inventory is transferred and inventory balances are not affected.  So had there been no deposits or withdraws to/from registered inventory this month to date and if JPM owned no registered gold at the beginning of the month, JPM would now own 84% of the registered inventory.  That would leave only 16% or about 97k ounces for all other firms. 

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