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Friday, December 06, 2013

Dear Barack

In 2008, 66 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 voted for Barack Obama, and 60 percent of that age group stuck with their man in 2012. Now a poll from Harvard’s Institute of Politics shows only 46 percent saying they’d vote for him again, and a (narrow) plurality of young Americans actually say they would recall him if they could. (Indeed, among the younger half of the cohort, 18- to 24-year-olds, who missed some of the 2008 infatuation, there’s a clear majority for recall.) Only 41 percent of the 18-to-29 cohort approve of the job performance of the president to whose election they were so crucial, with 54 percent disapproving. Nor is there much lingering fondness for the sweet liberal nothings Barack whispered into their ears. More Americans between 18 and 29 now report they’re conservative (37 percent) than say they’re liberal (33 percent), and one suspects the 26 percent who call themselves moderate are more open to moving in a rightward direction than to the left.

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