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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Dec 13/GLD remains constant but SLV loses 1.445 million oz/gold and silver rise/Massive adjustment of gold out of jPMorgan's registered (house account)/Dealer gold rests tonight at a low 14.146 tonnes/

The total gold comex open interest rose today by 4148 contracts from  378,368 up to 382,516 as gold was thrashed  $32.50 yesterday. Usually when gold/silver is hit, the OI falls.   The biggest of all delivery months is the December contract month.  The December OI contract month fell by 49 contracts to 2,185.  We had 44 notices filed yesterday so we lost 5 gold contracts or 500 oz will not stand for the December contract month.   The next non active delivery month is January and here the OI rose by 62 contracts up to 497.  The next big active month for gold is February and here the OI rose by 3451 contracts to 235,222 .  The estimated volume today was poor at 111,754 contracts. The confirmed volume  yesterday was better but still on the low side  at 163,088. However when we see a raid usually the HFT traders swell the volume considerably. The CME group are still not too happy to see volumes continue to contract like today, as it seems everyone is aware that the comex casino is crooked.

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