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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Lessons From China for US Bitcoin Owners not wait until the USG puts regs on Bitcoin dealers.

From NYT:
On Wednesday, BTC China, the country’s largest Bitcoin exchange, said it had been told to stop accepting deposits in Chinese currency. The announcement was the latest in a series of steps that have restricted the ability to buy and use Bitcoins in China.

“The drop in Bitcoin’s value in the last few days has been terrible, I’ve felt really uncertain,” an investor surnamed Chen told The Securities Times, a Chinese financial newspaper. Mr. Chen said he had bought five coins recently at a price of 3,100 renminbi, or about $510, apiece. On Wednesday the value dropped to three-quarters of that. “I thought I’d make a little short-term investment,” he said. “I didn’t think I’d lose money.”[...]One Chinese Bitcoin investor bought 10 Bitcoins when the price was at 2,000 renminbi each after seeing friends earn good returns, The Economic Daily News reported. “After half a month or so the price climbed to 7,000. It was unexpected and I was so happy. But I didn’t sell them. I thought, even if it dropped a little, I would still be ahead,” the investor, who was identified only by the surname Xu, told the paper.

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