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Sunday, December 15, 2013

NRA Board candidate Brandon Webb is a "wolf in sheep's clothing."

This just in from a reader:
Brandon Webb is a former Navy SEAL (who goes to lengths to remind people of it), who's written some books about how he was a great instructor; and recently made an announcement to run for the NRA board in 2015.
It may just be a publicity stunt - the more one reads about this guy, the more frayed the edges of his stories look; but on the other hand, he's also a writer and publicity hound who might get some attention, and may have some financial backing because he speaks in leftist code, calling civilian firearms ownership a "sport", talking about "compromise" with no specifics, and throwing around things like "common sense" ... and more overtly, saying "idiots shouldn't own guns", and that there should be mandatory training. Helps that he used to be an instructor... and tried to get an huge range complex built east of San Diego.
It's a long, long post because there are a lot of quotes.
Links to much more of his "compromise" derp are throughout the post, but I copy/pasted some screenshots from original locations for a sample.
After he started calling gun rights folks "crazies" on twitter, he asked for PMs to volunteer to debate him, one guy sent a pretty vehement one, and Webb responded thus, publishing the private message, too:
Classy, no?
Dunno if you know of the guy, but on the off chance you do, reading the words for what they say, over and over, and over and over - because he's consistent, shows that he's basically pretty much a statist control freak on the gun rights issue, and will readily dismiss anyone who resists his ideas as "crazy" and "fanatics". Regardless of personal opinion, it's pretty clear by what he wrote over and over again, in various ways.
The phrase that keeps coming to mind with regards to compromise and government, especially with gun grabbers is "just the tip, baby".
There's a lot to the post, and several other links, including to one where Webb talks about the necessity for compromise after Sandy Hook.
MAC/Sturmgewer at Military Arms Channel/The Bang Switch has a long post about keeping Webb off the board of directors, and Soldier Systems posted Webb's response to "crazies" and asked what people thought of it. Both are linked in the long Patriot Perspective blog post.
There's also a very, very informative thread on about Webb here.
There's a lot of discussion and conclusions reached - some mirror mine - that he seems to think he's better than everyone, that he's an elitist who believes in control and organization and regimented structure - because that's how he was introduced to firearms. Because of that, he doesn't view mandatory training or licensing as a gateway to confiscation, but as "common sense compromise"... because he doesn't know firearms outside of a very structured military setting. And he also doesn't understand that the Second Amendment is a bulwark against tyranny, and that it creates the armed society that creates polite society and stability... He views it as "sport".
And that's probably the nicest way to analyze it.
It'd be really interesting if Bloomberg or somebody threw money behind him, as he talks in gun-grabber code.

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