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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Rev. Jackson: Phil Robertson 'More Offensive' Than Rosa Parks Bus Driver

In an interview with Drew Magary, the "Duck Dynasty" star said the Nazis needed Jesus, that he never saw the mistreatment of African Americans while growing up in Louisiana before the civil rights era and that homosexuality was a sin.
A&E has already suspended Robertson, but Reverend Jackson, his Rainbow PUSH Coalition and GLAAD are demanding to meet with network execs, along with Cracker Barrel's CEO, to discuss the future of all "Duck Dynasty" memorabilia or content.

This from a  man who's son was sentenced to prison for stealing three quarters of a Million dollars from various people.

The Liberal Left Ladies and Gentlemen prove to us on a daily basis they are truly mentally disturbed individuals, the same individuals teaching our children in a classroom near you.

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