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Monday, December 16, 2013

Sheriffs across US refuse to enforce tougher gun laws

Sheriffs across US refuse to enforce tougher gun laws

Sheriffs across the United States are refusing to implement new gun control laws passed by state legislatures, according to a report by the New York Times.
The numbers are particularly high in Colorado, where the majority of sheriffs have come out against the state’s new gun laws, including provisions requiring background checks for private gun sales and the banning of magazines over 15 rounds. Fifty-five of the state’s 62 elected sheriffs joined a federal lawsuit filed in May arguing the new laws are unconstitutional.
Even for some of those that didn’t sign onto the lawsuit, enforcement of Colorado’s new gun restrictions isn’t high on their list of priorities.
“All law enforcement agencies consider the community standards — what is it that our community wishes us to focus on — and I can tell you our community is not worried one whit about background checks or high-capacity magazines,” said Sheriff W. Pete Palmer of Chaffee County, Colorado, to the Times.
Last month, a federal judge ruled the sheriffs did not have standing to sue as a group, but that the court would still rule on the Constitutionality of the laws in question.
Regardless of the outcome, Colorado Department of public Safety Spokesman Lance Clem told the Times that when it comes to enforcing the law, sheriffs have significant latitude to make their own decisions. 

“In my oath it says I’ll uphold the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Colorado,” he said. “It doesn’t say I have to uphold every law passed by the Legislature.”

Sheriffs are the true Oath keepers, Local and State hacks are just that...Hacks.

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