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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Socialist Seattle Council Member to Push $15 Minimum Wage

Socialist Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant (CHAH'-mah SAH'-want) says she'll work to pass a $15 per hour minimum wage bill in Seattle in 2014. However, she says she's not yet ready to release details.

The Seattle Times reports that Sawant told a Tuesday news conference she doesn't think Mayor-elect Ed Murray's campaign promise to get to a $15 minimum wage by the end of his term is a sufficiently fast timetable.

At her news conference, she was surrounded by the economically clueless, who don't understand that minimum wages cause unemployment, and crony union officials who benefit from a high minimum wage. She said a website for a $15 minimum wage campaign would launch Jan. 2 at,  and said she wants to hear from people across the city. She was joined at the City Hall news conference by a leader of the SEIU 775 NW caregivers union, a fast food worker, an analyst from the NAACP, and a local pastor.

(Via SF Chronicle)

America going down the drain one City and State at a time... Funny most didn't see this happening in Hitlers Germany either until it was to late.

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