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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Importance of Manufacturing and its Relationship to Tapering

The markets have been all gaga about the recent data coming out of America's manufacturing sector.  The Federal Reserve's data release showed that factory production climbed and that capacity utilization (the amount that a factory is in use) increased to levels not seen since June 2008.  Capacity growth rose by 1.8 percentage points on a year-over-year basis, hitting 79 percent in November 2013.  While this is definitely an improvement over the 2009 low of 66.9 percent, is is not particularly outstanding when taken into historical perspective as shown here:

I don't see any tapering happening and I see no signs of deflation either, the things I need to live on are up across the board I see it daily. If I'm but one set of eyes and can see it, I'm dam sure the rest of you can see it as well.

Prices are up for everything and my $100 goes no where these days.

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