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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Too Much Eggnog For This Statist

By, Chris Rossini

It looks like someone spiked Michael Tomasky's eggnog last night. He lets his universal healthcare colors fly this morning in The Daily Beast.

Tomasky starts off with a "birthright" hallucination:
Some day in the future, this year will be remembered as the one when the U.S. recognized people’s birthright to health care.
Oftentimes, statist wolves like to drape themselves in sheep's clothing. The key is to not let the sheep see your salivating teeth.

But not Tomasky. Universal healthcare is coming and Obamacare is merely part of the transition:
Sometime in the 2030s, after Medicare for all has passed and we’re finally and sensibly paying taxes for preventive cradle-to-grave care, people will note—with pride!—that the long process started with Obamacare (yes, conservatives: I’m admitting gleefully that the elephant’s nose is under the door, so spare yourselves the trouble of thinking you’re clever by tweeting it!).
This jives with a statement that Tomasky made last month: "Obamacare will never be a raging success."

But here come the real fireworks:
We support [Obamacare] because we think health care coverage should be a right, and this is a big step down that road, or the best step we could make under current reality. Like any right, it comes with responsibility, so that’s why you have to buy it. But it’s a right. It’s not an extravagance or something you earn by having a better-than-Walmart-level job. You “earn” it by doing something a lot simpler than that—you earn it by being born.
Very impressive...One paragraph that literally destroys the meaning of the words "right", "responsibility", "buy", and "earn".

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