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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Trying to Salvage ObamaCare, HHS Forces Insurers to Offer Free Coverage

The problem for the administration is that ObamaCare has forced the cancellation of millions of Americans’ health plans — the ones the president said they could keep if they were happy with them — while making it next to impossible for them to sign up for new plans through According to the Wall Street Journal, an “estimated four million to five and a half million people … had their individual health plans liquidated as ObamaCare-noncompliant,” but just over 1.1 million have signed up for coverage under ObamaCare: 364,682 through state and federal insurance exchanges and 803,077 through Medicaid.
As The New American reported, however, of the nearly 365,000 who have selected plans on exchanges, the administration isn’t saying how many have actually paid for, and therefore attained, coverage. That may be, in part, because no one really knows. Writing for Forbes, Avik Roy cited insurance-industry insiders’ estimates that only five to 15 percent of individuals who have selected plans have actually paid their first month’s premiums — a result of exchange systems that have sent the wrong data to insurers or, as in the case of, still lack the ability to transmit payments to insurers.

They can't even give this stuff away and now they are attempting to blackmail health insurance carriers by threatening to take away their exchange privileges.

This is like Bre'r Rabbit pleading "Please don't throw me in the briar patch"

The administration is also being tight-lipped about the types of individuals enrolling on the exchanges, suggesting that most of the people signing up for coverage are those with pre-existing conditions that will be costly to treat, not the young and healthy whose premiums are needed to offset the cost of this coverage.

Obamacare is the under-funded PCIP on steroids. Where is Oliver Hardy when you need him?

This is another fine mess you have gotten us in to.

No truer comment below... 

1884 the first legislative implementation of the whole Marxian Communist program got under way, with the inauguration of Bismarck's compulsory health insurance scheme in Germany." Robert Welch, Founder of the John Birch Society, October 1, 1963.

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