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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Well, this one will disappear off the gungrabbers' radar quickly. Arapahoe H.S. shooter was a pro-gun control Keynesian Democrat/Socialist.

Arapahoe High gunman held strong political beliefs, classmates said.
LATER: It turns out the Denver Post first said the shooter was a "very opinionated socialist" then edited out "socialist." -- "Denver Post Stealth Edits Out ‘Socialist’ from Profile of Arapahoe School Shooter."
"In a profile on the shooter in the Denver Post which focused on his “strong political beliefs,” several of Pierson’s classmates offered their impressions of the shooter. One of the shooter’s classmates described him as a “very opinionated socialist.” Shortly after that post was published, however, that description was edited out. The current copy simply describes him as “very opinionated.”
. . . The edited post did not remove a passage which notes how Pierson described himself as a “Keynesian” who regularly attacked the free market philosophies of economist Adam Smith.
No one is suggesting Pierson’s political beliefs had anything to do with his crime. But what is the logic for editing out a carefully reported account of who this person was in life? Why does the Denver Post not trust its readers to be able to consume the unvarnished truth?

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