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Wednesday, January 01, 2014

New Year’s Eve Gold Rush At Shanghai Shopping Mall

Last year, it stocked 170 kilos of gold bars and sold out in 3 hours too.
I went there around 4pm in the afternoon. Counters at the gold shops are mostly empty. So I believe if it stocks much more gold, it will be gone too. But I guess the gold shops don’t want to sell too much gold too cheaply.
So let the stupid manipulators bring gold price lower, the Chinese people don’t care about the price, they just want the shiny gold!

And what does the Average American wait in line for?

Yup lots of value there, surly worth trampling and killing each other for...

Happy New Year one and all I was bedridden the last 3 days with illness and did not have the energy for blogging, but I'm alive yet again dam flu season. Also note to my amazement my Immune system actually did what it was suppose to do! heal me, not some flu shot from some pig farm in China or god knows where...Stop feeding big pharma folks yes I was what I considered to be deathly ill but I stayed in bed,  stayed hydrated and drank chicken broth for 3 days strait as well as other liquids. Not yet 100% but I'm good.

By the way I've spoken with others who had the same symptoms as I had within my immediate family who received the flu shot ( sheep ) it failed to do its job.

Bring on the different, stronger, more powerful  yadda yadda yadda strain argument sheep.

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