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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Believe the hype, inflation really is coming this time | Breakout - Yahoo Finance

Believe the hype, inflation really is coming this time | Breakout - Yahoo Finance

“Inflation is coming!” We’ve heard it for what seems to be forever. Then came the report of the March leading economic index for March. It increased by 0.8% after rising 0.5% in February. It’s just the latest data point in a series of indicators that Hugh Johnson of Hugh Johnson Advisors says is evidence that this time inflation really is coming.
“We’re not talking about 3% or even 4% inflation,” Johnson told Breakout, “but we are talking about inflation rates as measured by the consumer price index of say 2.1% in 2014 and 2.3% in 2015. That’s stronger than the consensus and certainly stronger than Janet Yellen thinks is on the way.”
So what does that mean for Yellen and a Fed who have kept rates effectively at zero for as long as many young investors can recall?

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