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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Meet The New Boss

How do I know this?  Well, Tim Massad last worked directly for Geithner at the US Treasury department where he was best known for overseeing the $700bn troubled asset relief program, known as TARP, set up in 2008 to help prop-up ailing US banks following the financial crisis.   He also worked on managing the US Treasury's investment in Citigroup.  Before joining the US Treasury as chief counsel for the Office of Financial Stability in 2009, Massad spent 25 years with law firm Cravath Swaine & Moore, where he represented a range of companies including investment bank Lazard and worked to standardize legal documents that allowed derivatives to be actively traded between counterparties.
So lemme get this straight:
1. Oversaw using taxpayer money to bailout bank's gambling debts
2. "Managed" using taxpayer funds to prop up zombie bank Citi
3. Is a lawyer who represented investment banks
4. Worked to smooth-out the legal issues arising from the invention of derivatives... helped make it workable from a legal standpoint, in other words.

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